Silver Price South Korea
(Korean Won)
Conversion : 1 troy ounce = 31.1034768 grams
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Silver Price South Korea
South Korea is officially known as the Republic of Korea. The country constitutes the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula, and the majority of its citizens live in or around the capital city of Seoul. The capital city is extremely populous, with some 25 million people living in the area. The government of the nation is a unitary presidential constitutional republic, and its current constitution was put into place in the late 1980s. South Korea has a total population of approximately 51 million, and it covers a land area of almost 39,000 square miles.
The South Korean Won is the official currency of the nation. Although the won can be subdivided into 100 smaller units of currency called jeon, these smaller units are no longer used outside of foreign exchange transactions. The won has had multiple versions throughout its history, and the current version was allowed to float against other currencies starting in the late 90s.
The South Korean Won is issued and controlled by the Bank of Korea, the nation’s central bank. The central bank was established in 1950 in the capital city of Seoul, where it remains headquartered today. The central bank has numerous important responsibilities in addition to management of the country’s currency. The central bank is tasked with maintaining price stability, overseeing the financial system and maintaining the nation’s payment systems.
If you are looking to buy silver in South Korea, you will see silver prices quoted in South Korean Won. Prices may also be available in other major global currencies such U.S. Dollars, Great British Pounds, euros or Japanese Yen. The metal is typically quoted by the ounce, gram or kilo, and sometimes other local units of measure may also be used.
The economy of South Korea is one of the largest in the world, and the nation is expected to see tremendous growth in the decades to come. The nation’s economy has been expanding at a rapid pace, and it is involved in numerous industrial sectors. Some of the major areas of involvement include steel, chemicals, electronics, autos and shipbuilding. South Korea is a major exporter of several products including semiconductors, steel, petrochemicals, computers and telecommunications equipment.
As the economy of South Korea expands further, demand for silver and other metals could rise dramatically. Silver is already used in numerous areas of industry including solar energy production, chemical manufacturing, healthcare and electronics. As more and more uses are discovered, manufacturers within the country may need to stockpile larger and larger quantities of the metal
Investment demand for the metal could also increase. As the economy expands, investors may seek out more alternatives to standard investment vehicles such as stocks and bonds. The white metal can potentially play an important role in a portfolio for added diversification, as a hedge against inflation and for price appreciation potential.
The metal is available in several forms for investment, including bullion bars, rounds, coins, collectibles and even jewelry. In addition, it can be conveniently stored in a safe, a bank safe deposit box or in a depository.